Why choose NOT ON AMAZON?

✹ You’ll be choosing to shop or sell your work in a curated space filled with high quality artwork and artisan crafts. ✹ You’ll be part of a unique community of Artists and Makers who crowd-sourced the initial finance and volunteered their time and knowledge to build this website. ✹ We don’t take any commission from sellers or charge listing fees. Sellers can pay us a monthly subscription for their store, then Stripe charges a transaction fee of 20p + 1.5% on sales. ✹ All transactions are securely processed using Stripe. We don’t store anyone’s bank details on our servers. ✹ We don’t handle anyone’s money or hold it in our bank account ever. All payments made go to the seller’s Stripe account immediately using Stripe Connect. ✹ Individual store policies – returns / shipping etc. are set by each seller. Customers and sellers can contact each other directly. ✹ NOT ON AMAZON is the only marketplace for artists and makers established and run by a not-for-profit organisation. If you’d like to know more about this business model click here.

✹ You’ll be choosing to shop or sell your work in a curated space filled with high quality artwork and artisan crafts.

✹ You’ll be part of a unique community of Artists and Makers who crowd-sourced the initial finance and volunteered their time and knowledge to build this website.

✹ We don’t take any commission from sellers or charge listing fees. Sellers can pay us a monthly subscription for their store, then Stripe charges a transaction fee of 20p + 1.5% on sales.

✹ All transactions are securely processed using Stripe. We don’t store anyone’s bank details on our servers.

✹ We don’t handle anyone’s money or hold it in our bank account ever. All payments made go to the seller’s Stripe account immediately using Stripe Connect.

✹ Individual store policies – returns / shipping etc. are set by each seller. Customers and sellers can contact each other directly.

✹ NOT ON AMAZON is the only marketplace for artists and makers established and run by a not-for-profit organisation. If you’d like to know more about this business model click here.