F.A.Q. Buyers.

Can I get a refund or return an item? All NOT ON AMAZON sellers are responsible for setting up their own returns and refunds policies, Shop N.O.A. does not process any customer refunds or product returns.
Please be sure to check all terms and conditions of the sellers you are buying from before making a purchase.
How much does Shop N.O.A. take from sales? Zero. We don’t take any commission from sales and your payment goes directly to the seller using Stripe Connect. We don’t handle or hold any money from NOT ON AMAZON sales at any time. When will my goods be shipped? All NOT ON AMAZON sellers are responsible for setting up their own shipping policies, all goods are shipped direct from sellers and not from a central location. Please be aware that if you have bought items from more than one seller they may arrive at different times. What personal information do you store? We store customer contact details and all orders for 12 months. If you want to request a copy or deletion of your data you can find out how in our privacy policy Is this site secure? Yes. The “s” that you see in “https” at the start of this website’s URL shows that this site has a valid SSL License. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it’s a security protocol that provides privacy, authentication, and integrity to Internet communications.
All customer transactions are processed by Stripe using 3DS authentication where required. All bank details are stored on Stripe’s secure servers, not ours.
What is 3DS authentication? Stripe uses 3DS authentication for some purchases. 3D Secure (3DS) is a system that provides an additional layer of authentication for credit card transactions, protecting against fraud. 3DS asks customers to verify their identity with the card issuer during payment. How can I find a product? We’ve tried make this website as easy to use as possible so we have broad categories which allow you to browse all products then you can use filters to refine your search by colour, price, material etc.
You can also find specific items by using “Search Products” on the front page. Just type in what you’re looking for – say ‘Ring’ and all rings will be displayed. Again you can use the filters to refine the results and find the thing you’re looking for.
Do you have a directory of sellers? Yes, there is a list of all Shop N.O.A sellers here. Can I contact a seller directly? If you have a question about a product, you can contact a seller by using the “Message Me” form at the bottom of their shop or product pages. You can leave additional notes at checkout and you will be able to contact a seller directly once you’ve bought something from them.

✹ Can I get a refund or return an item?

All NOT ON AMAZON sellers are responsible for setting up their own returns and refunds policies, Shop N.O.A. does not process any customer refunds or product returns.
Please be sure to check all terms and conditions of the sellers you are buying from before making a purchase.

✹ How much does Shop N.O.A. take from sales?

Zero. We don’t take any commission from sales and your payment goes directly to the seller using Stripe Connect. We don’t handle or hold any money from NOT ON AMAZON sales at any time.

✹ When will my goods be shipped?

All NOT ON AMAZON sellers are responsible for setting up their own shipping policies, all goods are shipped direct from sellers and not from a central location. Please be aware that if you have bought items from more than one seller they may arrive at different times.

✹ What personal information do you store?

We store customer contact details and all orders for 12 months. If you want to request a copy or deletion of your data you can find out how in our privacy policy.

✹ Is this site secure?

Yes. The “s” that you see in “https” at the start of this website’s URL shows that this site has a valid SSL License. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it’s a security protocol that provides privacy, authentication, and integrity to Internet communications.
All customer transactions are processed by Stripe using 3DS authentication where required. All bank details are stored on Stripe’s secure servers, not ours.

✹ What is 3DS authentication?

Stripe uses 3DS authentication for some purchases. 3D Secure (3DS) is a system that provides an additional layer of authentication for credit card transactions, protecting against fraud. 3DS asks customers to verify their identity with the card issuer during payment.

✹ How can I find a product?

We’ve tried make this website as easy to use as possible so we have broad categories which allow you to browse all products then you can use filters to refine your search by colour, price, material etc.
You can also find specific items by using “Search Products” on the front page. Just type in what you’re looking for – say ‘Ring’ and all rings will be displayed. Again you can use the filters to refine the results and find the thing you’re looking for.

✹ Do you have a directory of sellers?

Yes, there is a list of all Shop N.O.A sellers here.

✹ Can I contact a seller directly?

If you have a question about a product, you can contact a seller by using the “Message Me” form at the bottom of their shop or product pages. You can leave additional notes at checkout and you will be able to contact a seller directly once you’ve bought something from them.